Custom Weapons

Custom Weapons v1.1.28

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Supported Games
CS: Source (v34), CS: Source (Steam/Orange Box), CS: GO
This plugin provides ability to change weapon models and sounds.

For CS:GO servers, using models of Valve Corporation is prohibited by Valve. Your server might be banned if you are using Valve models or skins.
Requirements :
  • Sourcemod v1.10 or Higher
Installation :
  • Download the plugin zip file by clicking on download link on top right corner of this post.
  • Extract the contents of zip file and put it into your server observing the folder structure.
  • Configure the skins in provided configuration files and make sure to put configured skin files in your game server's materials and models folders.
  • If you are using FastDL, then upload all the configured skins files to web server in .bz2 format.
  • Restart the server or change the map.
Configuration :

This plugin provides below configuration files in addons/sourcemod/configs:
  • custom_weapons.txt: All the models or skins should be configured in this file.
  • custom_weapons_downloads.txt: All the configured skins files should be mentioned in this file for download. If you are using any third-party plugin to manage downloads, then you can leave this file empty.
  • custom_weapons_settings_only_for_reference.txt: This file doesn't do anything. It is just included as a documentation. You can use it as a reference for configuring skins in custom_weapons.txt.
    "ak47" // Weapon section name without "weapon_", "_projectile" and "planted_" prefixes
        "flags"        ""                      // Access flags. You can specify multiple flags or leave blank to make it available to everyone.
        // Displaying the name in different languages, if left blank, the section name will be used
        "ru"        "AK47 оружия"
        "en"        "AK47 Skins"
        // Categories under which menu this weapon will be displayed
        // 0 - Rifles
        // 1 - Submachine guns
        // 2 - Shotguns
        // 3 - Pistols
        // 4 - Melee
        // 5 - Grenades
        // 6 - Snipers
        "category"    "0"
        "ak-asimov"    // Model section name for models configuration section. You can configure as many as you want.
            "flags"                    ""    // Access flags. You can specify multiple flags or leave blank to make it available to everyone.
            // Displaying the name in different languages, if left blank, the section name will be used
            "ru"                    "AK47 Asimov"
            "en"                    "AK47 Asimov"
            "view_model"            "models/asimov/v_ak47_asimov.mdl"    // Path to the view model (.mdl file). View model means weapon skin from first person perspective
            "flip_view_model"        "1"    // In case the model is left-handed (Wrong side), set this parameter to 1 to make it right side or vice versa
            "world_model"            "models/asimov/w_ak47_asimov.mdl"    // Path to the world model (.mdl file). World model means weapon skin from third person perspective
            "drop_model"            "models/asimov/w_ak47_asimov_dropped.mdl"    // Path to the drop model (.mdl file). Drop model means weapon skin on ground
            "planted_world_model"    ""    // The path to the planted bomb model (This setting is only for C4 skin, leave blank if not needed)
            "muzzle_flash"            "1"     // When replacing the sound of shots, we lose the effect of the shot (flash), so we have to manually make a flash
            "muzzle_scale"            "2.0"    // Flash size (Only if muzzle_flash is set to 1)
            "muzzle_move"            "40.0 10.0 10.0"    // Movement direction of the flash from the player's eyes (Parameters: "forward right down")
            // Redirecting Animation Indexes. Leave blank for default animations
                // "index of the animation we want to change to" "what index we are changing to"
                "1"            "7"
                "2"            "6"
                "3"            "1"
                "4"            "2"
                "5"            "3"
            // Sound configuration, leave blank for default sound setting
                "stop_all_sounds"    "1"    // Whether or not to stop all sounds on all animations
                "weapons/ak47asimov/ak47_asimov_fire1.wav"    // Path to the sound file
                    "sequence"        "1"    // Animation index at which to play the sound
                    "cycle"            "0"    // On which cycle to play the sound. To find out the cycle, type in server console cw_dev as admin flag Root (z)
                    "individual"    "0"    // Play sound individually to the player so that others do not hear. 0 = All can hear, 1 = Only player can hear
                    "volume"        "1.0"    // Volume of the sound. (Min - 0.0, Max - 1.0)
                    "level"            "75"    // Noise level (75 = normal. Sound propagation distance) only if individual = 0
                    "pitch"            "100"    // Sound tone (100 = normal)

Admin Commands :
cw_dev    :    Used for testing purpose
Commands :
!cw or !weapon    :    Opens skin selection menu
// Set admin flags to make it available for admins only (Can be set serveral flags. Ex.: abc) or leave it empty to make it available for everyone
// -
// Default: ""
sm_custom_weapons_admin_flags ""

// CS:S OB Use old style model change method for flip view model support. Not recommended! May reduce server performance
// -
// Default: "0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
sm_custom_weapons_css_old_style_model_change "1"

// Disable model change by default to new players?
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
sm_custom_weapons_default_disabled "1"

// Path to custom weapon models downloads list relative to the sourcemod folder
// -
// Default: "configs/custom_weapons_downloads.txt"
sm_custom_weapons_downloads_path "configs/custom_weapons_downloads.txt"

// Whether to enable custom weapon models
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
sm_custom_weapons_enable "1"

// Force disabled model change for players. Enable only from menu
// -
// Default: "0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
sm_custom_weapons_force_disabled "0"

// Forcibly open menu at every spawn
// -
// Default: "0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
sm_custom_weapons_force_menu_spawn "0"

// Notice a player in chat about the command to open menu again when it's close
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
sm_custom_weapons_menu_close_notice "1"

// Whether to enable open weapons models menu on spawn
// -
// Default: "0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
sm_custom_weapons_menu_spawn "0"

// Path to custom weapon models config relative to the sourcemod folder
// -
// Default: "configs/custom_weapons.txt"
sm_custom_weapons_models_path "configs/custom_weapons.txt"
Known Bugs :
  • [CS:S] For weapons m4 and usp when equipped with a silencer, world model is not applied. That means models are not visible from third person perspective.
  • [CS:S] For weapon Dual Elites, world model and drop model is not applied. That means models are not visible from third person perspective and on the ground.
  • You may still hear standard sounds if you have replaced sound of a weapon. Reliable connection is required with low latency. Or set the parameter stop_all_sounds.
Credits :

  • Like
Reactions: Kunal rana
First release
Last update
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