
Core Zombie:Reloaded v3.6.6 Franug Edition

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Supported Games
CS: Source (v34), CS: Source (Steam/Orange Box), CS: GO
This plugin provides Zombie Mod or Zombie Escape Mod capabilities to server.

About Zombie Mod:

The objective is to change the game into Humans versus Zombies. Humans try to survive by camping, barricading and hiding. Zombies try to infect humans and convert them into zombies by using their knife.

At a random time after the round starts, one or more random humans are turned into zombies. Zombies have certain advantages as running faster and more health points. Humans have huge amounts of ammo (or unlimited), and their bullets knock back (push back) zombies. A lot more attributes or behavior can be adjusted for both zombies and humans in different classes (categories) using the configuration files provided.

Note: For the best results, install zombie maps on server. Zombie maps name generally have ze_ or zm_ prefix. For more information on how to play this mod, See this Guide.

  • Sourcemod v1.8 or Higher
  • Download the plugin zip file from this post.
  • Extract the content of the zip file. You should see 4 folders for different game versions. Copy the appropriate game version files and put it into your server's game directory (Ex: cstrike/, csgo/).
  • Upload the files of FAST_DL_WEBSERVER folder on your web server if you are using a webserver for Fast Download.
  • Restart the server.

The default configuration provided by the plugin should work in general, but you can also modify them depending on your requirements. If you do not know how to configure the files mentioned below, you can follow this manual.

The configuration files can be found in folder cfg/sourcemod/zombiereloaded:
  • classic.cfg - To provide additional configuration related to classic zombie mod.
  • nemesis.cfg - Contains configuration of nemesis mode. In this mode, only one zombie is spawned, but it's very powerful and do instant kills (64K HP, speed, jump boost, and very low knock back). Humans must survive the round or kill it. Teamwork is essential in this mode.
  • randommode.cfg - This configuration file switches between different modes.
  • survivor.cfg - Configuration for survivor mode. In this mode, everyone but a small group of humans are infected.
  • swarm.cfg - Configuration for swarm mode. In this mode, 50% players are infected. Humans fight to the death - humans are stabbed to death instead of infected. This requires a post map config to modify the immunity mode on all humans.
  • swarm.post.cfg - Configuration for post swarm mode.
  • zombiereloaded.cfg - The main configuration for zombie reloaded.
  • mapname.cfg - Map specific configuration file. If doesn't exist, create one if required. See examples in gamemode-examples folder.
  • mapname.post.cfg - Post map specific configuration file. If doesn't exist, create one if required. See examples in gamemode-examples folder.

Additional configuration files can be found in folder addons/sourcemo/configs/zr:
  • downloads.txt - Configure all the downloadable files in this configuration file.
  • hitgroups.txt - Hitgroup specific configuration.
  • models.txt - Skin configuration file for human and zombie skins.
  • playerclasses.txt - Class configuration file. It has some classes configured by default. You can create your own classes.
  • playerclasses-nemesis.txt - Configure classes to be used in nemesis mode.
  • weapons.txt - Weapon configuration file. For each weapon, settings can be configured.

Admin Commands:
!zadmin                        -    Opens ZR admin menu.
!zr_antistick_dump_group       -    Dumps collision group data on one or more players. Usage zr_antistick_dump_group [#userid|name]
!zr_class_dump                 -    Dumps class data at a specified index in the specified cache. Usage: zr_class_dump <cachetype> <index|targetname>
!zr_class_dump_multipliers     -    Dumps class attribute multipliers for the specified team. Usage: zr_class_dump_multipliers <"zombies"|"humans">
!zr_class_modify               -    Modify class data on one or more classes. Usage: zr_class_modify <classname|"zombies"|"humans"|"admins"> <attribute> <value> [is_multiplier]
!zr_class_reload               -    Refreshes the player cache and reloads class attributes on one or more players. Usage: zr_class_reload <target>
!zr_class_set_multiplier       -    Sets the multiplier on a class attribute. Usage: zr_class_set_multiplier <"zombies"|"humans"> <attribute> <value>
!zr_config_reload              -    Reloads a config file. Usage: zr_config_reload <file alias>
!zr_config_reloadall           -    Reloads all config files. Usage: zr_config_reloadall
!zr_hitgroup                   -    Toggles or sets if a zombie's hitgroup can be damaged. Usage: zr_hitgroup <hitgroup name> [1/0]
!zr_hitgroup_enable_all        -    Enables all zombie hitgroups to be damaged.  Usage: zr_hitgroup_enable_all
!zr_hitgroup_headshots_only    -    Disables all zombie hitgroups but the head.  Usage: zr_hitgroup_headshots_only
!zr_human                      -    Turn a client into a human. Usage: zr_human <filter> [respawn - 1/0]
!zr_infect                     -    Infect a client. Usage: zr_infect <filter> [respawn - 1/0]
!zr_log_add_module             -    Add one or more modules to the module filter. Usage: zr_log_add_module <module> [module] ...
!zr_log_list                   -    List available logging flags and modules with their status values.
!zr_log_remove_module          -    Remove one or more modules from the module filter. Usage: zr_log_remove_module <module> [module] ...
!zr_restrict                   -    Restricts a weapon or a weapon type. Usage: zr_restrict <weapon|weapon type> [weapon2|weapontype2] ...
!zr_unrestrict                 -    Unrestricts a weapon or a weapon type. Usage: zr_unrestrict <weapon|weapon type> [weapon2|weapontype2] ...
!zr_version                    -    Prints version info about this plugin.
!zr_vol_add                    -    Creates a rectangular volume in the map. Usage: zr_vol_add <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <type> [params]
!zr_vol_dumpstates             -    Dumps volume states for the specified player. Usage: zr_vol_dumpstates <index|targetname>
!zr_vol_list                   -    Lists existing volumes in the map, or dumps detail data to the specified volume. Usage: zr_vol_list [volume index]
!zr_vol_remove                 -    Removes an existing volume in the map. Usage: zr_vol_remove <volume index>
!zr_zspawn_force               -    Force ZSpawn on a client. Usage: zr_zspawn_force <client> ['0' = Spawn as human | '1' = Spawn as zombie]
!zr_ztele_force                -    Force ZTele on a client. Usage: zr_ztele_force <client>
Player Commands:
!zclass      -    Opens class selection menu.
!zcookies    -    Opens cookies settings menu.
!zhp         -    Shows real HP as zombie.
!zmarket     -    Opens custom buymenu.
!zmenu       -    Opens ZR's main menu.
!zshield     -    Deploy the shield, if available.
!zspawn      -    Spawn into the game after joining late.
!ztele       -    Teleport back to spawn if you are stuck.
Useful Additional Plugins For Zombie Mod:

1. Allow Flashlight
(Prevents maps from disabling the flashlight.)

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Last update
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