Solved gg_dm problem when i unload the plugin


New member
hey vertigo...
i installed gg_dm which is here on the forum and with mapconfigs plugins i load when im in death match maps
when i switch back to de_dust2 which i have unloaded gg_dm plugin... the plugin i some how loaded and it wont let players to buy guns (you are not in buy zone)...
and i have to restart the server to fix the problem.. can you help me ?


Staff member
Show screenshot of plugins folder where all 8 smx files exist.
And upload the cfg file (de_dust2.cfg)
And then show all the installed plugins list when you put de_dust2 map (Do sm plugins list in server console).


New member
other problem i have is sm plugins list does not show complete and for example numbers are starting from 50 and so on.. xD


Staff member
The screen session buffer is small, that's why it doesn't allow to scroll up.
Do This to solve this problem.


New member
i made a raw server to show you the problem

it sais the plugin is unloaded successfully
but its running ...



Staff member
That's why I asked you result of sm plugins list in de_dust2


Staff member
There are 2 functions which are executed when map loads.

1. OnMapStart() - This function is executed when map is loaded.
2. OnAutoConfigsBuffered() - This function is executed after the OnMapStart() function.

The plugin sm_ggdm_buymenu.smx is responsible for removal of buy zones in the map. The buyzones are removed in OnMapStart() function.
But the plugin mapconfigs.smx executes map based configs in OnAutoConfigsBuffered() function. And this function is executed after OnMapStart().

So technically, you are doing correct. But the buyzones are removed before the plugin is unloaded.

So you can solve your problem by following below steps :

1. Move all the deathmatch plugins to sourcemod/plugins/disabled folder.
2. Remove the unload statements from de_dust.cfg
3. Create mapname.cfg only for the maps where you want Deathmatch plugins to be enabled.
4. Now write plugin load statements in those mapname.cfg files. Which should look something like this :
sm plugins load disabled/sm_ggdm.smx
sm plugins load disabled/sm_ggdm_elimination.smx
sm plugins load disabled/sm_ggdm_firstspawn.smx
sm plugins load disabled/sm_ggdm_gunmenu.smx
sm plugins load disabled/sm_ggdm_ragdoll.smx
sm plugins load disabled/sm_ggdm_spawnprotection.smx
sm plugins load disabled/sm_ggdm_spawns.smx
sm plugins load disabled/sm_ggdm_weapons.smx
This way, deathmatch will be only enabled in required maps. By default they will be disabled because they are in disabled folder.
But this will cause another problem. Buyzones will be enabled in Deathmatch. But this is not big issue. To completely solve the problem, the plugin code must be modified.


New member
tnx alot <3
i have some other questions

1. is there any restart server plugin? i want an option in admin menu to restart the server...

2. is there any server monitor tools to monitor multi servers?


Staff member
1. No need of plugin, add these commands in mentioned files :

        "Restart Server"
            "cmd"        "map de_dust2"
            "execute"    "server"
    "item"        "Restart Server"
2. You can use Source Admin Tool.
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